The “Move Grandma Now” Checklist

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Without a comprehensive plan, families often scramble to identify and qualify the various resources needed to manage a move for senior loved ones. They must locate and hire trusted realtors, movers, downsizing experts, estate sale professionals, consignment shops, packing material suppliers, junk haulers or dumpster companies, housekeepers, repairmen, home stagers, financial advisors, attorneys, caregivers, pet sitters, and more! 

On the other hand, when families work with a “total solution” organization like Caring Transitions®, they need search no further.  See tips gathered from experts to create a plan that can help you manage a move for an older adult.



  • Don’t make seniors feel guilty. Avoid saying things like “Why did you hold on to this for so many years?” while sorting through belongings. Statements like this can cause stress and make seniors feel like a burden.
  • Save photo albums for LAST. They can surface too many memories at once, which slows the process and triggers waves of emotions. 
  • Set a timer. Grab a kitchen timer or your phone and set it for one hour. Take a break once that hour is up. 
  • Color-code with Post-It Notes. Seniors have a tough time reading small writing. Color-code with post-it notes so PINK is pack, GREEN is sell, and BLUE is give away. 
  • Bring a door stopper. Doors get in the way, especially for older folks. Bring door stoppers to prop doors open to allow for easy room access for Grandma, and for large boxes and furniture. 
  • Consider online platforms for estate sales. Most seniors are not internet savvy, but their children/grandchildren usually are. There are many online estate platforms like, that sell everything online as buyers bid.  No in-person estate sales with strangers walking through the home and haggling over prices. The online estate sale platform handles it all, allowing the family to make money from hidden treasures around the home.  
    • Best Sellers:  Electronics, jewelry, collectibles, and durable medical equipment.
    • Items That May Not Sell Well: Large off-trend furniture, off-trend or well-worn clothes and kitchen utensils. 
  • Keep a schedule. Many seniors like a routine and stress if it’s altered. If the senior goes to bed at 10pm every night, don’t try to keep packing late at night.


Caring Transitions® takes steps to train and screen every employee and has developed estate sale standards that uphold the values of integrity and honesty for over 10 years. Since many of our clients are older adults, each of our offices are independently certified to support a “senior move” and help mitigate the effects of stress, health and common cognitive issues which are frequently challenges for late life relocations.

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